Latest Episode

Launching this Ramadan, “On Purpose” is a podcast series which addresses and tackles key issues most affecting our communities, especially for our CALD and Muslim families.

On Purpose Podcast

Introducing Episode 1 of the ON PURPOSE podcast! ✨

Joined by our very own Br Graith Krayem from Saving FACE, this episode discusses Concepts of Masculinity within our local communities.

Saving FACE is an initiative undertaken by Muslim Women Australia (MWA) in conjunction with Our Watch to develop and deliver key prevention activities to encourage men in preventing violence against women and children. Find out more about Saving FACE here:

From examining the role of men in Islam to how Saving FACE helps men bring awareness to and help prevent domestic and family violence, this episode aims to address and deconstruct how masculinity is viewed in our society, particularly in how it affects CALD and Muslim families 🎗️

Join us for a podcast which aims to continue doing things with purpose, hope, and focus, and support those most in need 🤍

Introducing Episode 2 of the ON PURPOSE podcast! 

For this episode, MWA is joined by Dr Derya Iner, principal researcher at the Islamophobia Register and ISRA Academy, to discuss The Importance of Advocacy for Muslim Women within our communities.

The Islamophobia Register Australia is a secure and reliable service that allows people from across Australia to report any form of Anti-Muslim abuse. To find out more about the register, visit:

From discussing the significance of the Hijab in Islam to bringing awareness to Islamophobia, especially in regards to discrimination against Muslim women, this episode aims to address how to take action against Islamophobia and better advocate for our CALD and Muslim families 

Catch the episode on:

Available on Spotify, SoundCloud, Youtube and Facebook!

Introducing Episode 3 of the ON PURPOSE podcast! 

For this episode, MWA is joined by lawyer Lydia Shelly from Shelly Legal, to discuss the topic of the Wellbeing of Children Amidst Separation and Divorce 

Shelly Legal is a specialised boutique Family, Criminal and Litigation legal practice that is home to experienced, creative and compassionate lawyers. To find out more about the law firm, visit:

From how to navigate the family legal system to how to keep the children’s best interests of the children front and centre during separation process, this episode aims help families, especially CALD and Muslim families, better understand and support those in our community going through separation and divorce.

Join us for a podcast which aims to continue doing things with purpose, hope, and focus, and support those most in need 🤍

Catch the episode on:

Available on Spotify, SoundCloud, Youtube and Facebook!

Introducing Episode 4 of the ON PURPOSE podcast! 

For this episode MWA will be joined by our very own CEO Hajjeh Maha Abdo to discuss the topic of finding Empowerment Through Faith within our communities.

Providing dedicated service to our CALD and Muslim communities of over 35 years, our founding CEO Hajjeh Maha has been at the forefront of MWA’s mission to cater to the educational, religious, social, recreational and welfare needs of Muslim women from all backgrounds.

From addressing the unique experiences of women in faith-based communities to bringing awareness to the gaps in access, equity and cultural safety within broader society, this episode aims to help find solutions that give our CALD and Muslim families better holistic support to achieve their goals 🙌

Join us for a podcast which aims to continue doing things with purpose, hope, and focus, and support those most in need 

Introducing Episode 5 of the ON PURPOSE podcast! 

For this episode, MWA will be joined by Dr Ghena Krayem of USYD, an expert in the application of Shariah in Australia, particularly in regards to Muslim Women and Islamic Family Law, to discuss the topic of the Agency of Muslim Women within our communities 

Dr Ghena Krayem, in addition to being a senior lecturer in the faculty of law in USYD, is also a Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner with Legal Aid and has authored four books under the topic of Muslims in Australia, Islamic Family Law, and the Agency of Muslim Women.

In looking at the concept of agency more broadly and within the context family conflict and divorce, this episode aims to open discussions on the nuances within the experiences of Muslim Women and their agency, and how it is understood within CALD and Muslim famlies and in broader society 

Join us for a podcast which aims to continue doing things with purpose, hope, and focus, and support those most in need.

Introducing Episode 6 of the ON PURPOSE podcast! 

For our final episode, MWA will be joined by Amanda Tattersall of USYD, host of ChangeMakers podcast and founder of Sydney Alliance And, to discuss The Power of Community.

With over 20 years of experience advocating for social change in many large social movements including against the War in Iraq and in support of refugee rights, as well as encouraging for more inclusivity and diversity in advocacy spaces, Amanda Tattersall has contributed significantly to moving community activism forward within Australian society.

In examining what it means to be a community, as well as what it means to be your whole self in advocacy and activism, especially as a woman, this episode aims to advocate for the power we wield together as communities, especially through being wholly inclusive of our CALD and Muslim families 💞

Join us for a podcast which aims to continue doing things with purpose, hope, and focus, and support those most in need.