To make it easy to digest the informational overload that COVID-19 has produced, we’ve designed a series of share-friendly images that break down complexity and share key information with you. We will update these as time goes and encourage you to share this link with others.

✅ MWA is Open During this COVID-19 Pandemic
MWA can assist, if you or your family have been experiencing an increase in bills, loss of employment, financial issues or family disputes, MWA can support by providing financial counselling, legal aid, housing support and many other services.
👉 For assistance, Call MWA for general support or make a booking for any need of help
Call: 02 9750 6916

The symptoms of COVID-19 can be mistaken for every day cold or flu-like symptoms, but there are 5 main symptoms one should look for.
1 – Fever – Symptoms range from mild to severe
2 – Dry cough from the chest area where no mucus or phlegm is produced with the cough
3 – Sore throat
4 – Shortness of breath
5 – Fatigue problems
🌐 For further information Visit:

Panic buying has affected many people during the COVID-19 pandemic. Priority assistance is now eligible for customers who are of the following categories: Seniors, people with disabilities and those compromised with immunity who are required to self-isolate.
Visit the following links for assistance with priority assistance
🌐 Woolworths:
🌐 Coles:
🌐 IGA:

👉 Here are some simple tips on how to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus:
- Clean your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer
- Cover your nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with a tissue or best to a flexed elbow. Make sure you throw away the tissue and wash your hands after
- Stay 1.5 meters away from everyone regardless if they have cold or flu-like symptoms
- Stay home if you’re sick and as of 25/02/2020 stay home regardless and only leave for essentials

Due to the recent lock down measures, COVID-19 and its fallout have caused financial strain on many in the community. But the government response has been significant. Here is what you need to know about the Centrelink Coronavirus supplement:
🌐 How to Claim the Coronavirus supplement:
🌐 Australian Government Information and support:
🌐 Claim Supplement online:

Washing your hands will kill off viruses that may be in your hands, this includes traces of COVID-19 droplets. One should wash hands regularly with soap for 20 seconds, this will help keep away any traces of COVID-19.
Additionally, one should be wary of objects that are touched on a regular basis such as gas pump hoses, in this case one should always keep hand sanitizers with them.
🌐 Here is a video explaining hygiene:

Physical distancing is the best way to stop the virus form infecting human to human.
- Always keep a 1.5-metre distance between yourself and other people.
- Avoid crowds and large public gatherings
- Avoid shaking hands, hugging or any physical contact with other people
- Minimise visits to vulnerable people or people who live with vulnerable people
- Keep connected with others via social media and mobile phone texts and calls
🌐 To learn more, visit:

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused uncertainty and anxiety amongst people. To keep yourself up to date and ensure that you are keeping track of the COVID-19 virus from the correct sources.
🌐 For proper information on the COVID-19 pandemic, visit:
WA –
SA –
NT –

Managing mental health and wellbeing is extremely important at a time where many may find themselves isolated from the public and even their loved ones.
👉 Here are some tips to ensure a healthy mental wellbeing throughout this pandemic
1 – Contact your loved ones via social media or give them a call to check in
2 – Talk about how you are feeling, and it is OK to express your concerns
3 – Maintain routine and connect as much as possible
4 – Seek professional advice when needed
5 – Stay in contact with your neighbors and check up on their health
6 – Reduce exposure to media sources that exaggerate or are designed to make the public more afraid
🌐 For more, visit:

Recently, news on how to contain and manage the COVID-19 pandemic has been a bit confusing due to information coming from weak sources or forwards from people who are not qualified on giving medical advice. MWA encourages that we seek the correct sources on what to do in this pandemic.
🌐 Here is a link to a FAQ provided by the NSW Government about the COVID-19 pandemic

For individuals who classify as living in Housing or Community Housing who have been struggling to pay off rent during this pandemic, there are solutions.
Tenants who lost their jobs and are applying for Centrelink payments will be put on a $5 a week rent until they receive payments.
👉 For further inquiries about rent or financial issues
📞 Call: 02 9750 6916
📧 Email

Always remember when coughing or sneezing to cover your nose and mouth. The best way to stop the spread is by sneezing/coughing into your elbow to minimise the spread as much as possible.

👉 Here are some simple tips to help keep a healthy mental well-being during this COVID-19 pandemic.
1 – Try to see this as a new and unusual period that might even have some benefits.
2 – Try to avoid undesirable behaviour such as binge eating when you may be feeling down, this is to avoid developing unwanted habits that can persist after the quarantine.
3 – Be generous to others – giving to others in times of need not only helps the recipient, it enhances your well-being too. Is there a way to help others around you?
To learn more about mental health during this pandemic Visit:

One should remain home regardless if there are symptoms of any illness. Due to the effect of the COVID-19 virus, one may not see the symptoms yet still spread it to others. It is essential that we all do our part and stay home unless it is essential to leave for reasons such as getting medicine, house necessities and food.

Help stop the spread of COVID-19 by keeping your distance. Remember, do not shake hands or exchange physical greetings. Wherever possible stay 1.5 meters apart.

If you or someone you know is experiencing mental health problems during this isolation here are some places you can call for help.
1 – Lifeline: 13 11 14
2 – Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636
3 – Head space: 1800 650 890
4 – kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800

Here are some tips to help you have some sense of control and to stay afloat in these difficult times:
1 – Hang on to helpful thoughts and letting go of unhelpful catastrophic ones.
2 – Optimism is crucial to our survival and the key to courage in times of adversity
3- Pray, reflect, practice mindfulness/relaxation and self-care
4- Exercise daily, keep active to stay healthy and fit

Many of us may find ourselves concerned about our family members in residential care. If COVID-19 gets into a residential care facility it can spread rapidly, so one should check up on their loved ones by using the correct sources.
🌐 For the right information, visit :

Muslim Women Australia is working tirelessly to find solutions for those who are affected by the coronavirus outbreak. Recently many clients have called in for support and assistance, and we are here to help ensure that their needs are met.
In these difficult times there are many things we as individuals can do to ensure the safety of ourselves and our loved ones.
👉 Here is a useful article document which outlines the correct procedures that should be taken in the current circumstances during the COVID-19 outbreak.