10 Tips to Help You Get On Top of Motherhood and Faith

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Juggling the responsibilities of being a mum and maintaining your connection to your faith can often feel like a balancing act. 

The good news is that you’re not alone on this journey. Many mums have walked this path before, gathering valuable lessons while navigating through the world with their different hats, finding harmony despite the chaos of life.

Whether it’s finding time for yourself and faith amidst the daily hustle or discovering ways to recharge your energy – physically, mentally and spiritually – here are 10 tips that can help you strike a balance between motherhood and faith. 

Big or Small, Consistency is Key

Whether your tasks are big or small, the secret to success is consistency. That means doing things regularly, even if they seem hard. When you’re a mum handling family, faith, and work it can be a lot! But if you set specific times for prayer, family time and work and keep at them regularly, it can help make things easier and less daunting. 

After all, consistency isn’t about being perfect; it’s about sticking to your plan and adapting when needed. The more you keep at your routine, even if it’s just small steps, the easier it becomes. Just like how a river is formed by drops of water, your consistent actions can build a strong foundation for success. 

Make Your Routine Easy to Follow 

Similarly, a simple routine is like a roadmap for your busy life as a mum, fitting faith, family and work into a rhythm. Picture starting your day with a plan: time for prayer, work and family. Build your routine around your most productive times and don’t forget to add in breaks to stay refreshed. 

You can also be flexible with your schedule, as life changes and can throw curveballs your way. Remember, a routine doesn’t have to be strict; it’s a tool to manage life. If it gets too overwhelming, take a deep breath, evaluate the situation and reassess your schedule. Can you delegate tasks? Can you reschedule certain activities? The key is finding a balance that works for you and your family.

Plan and Set Long-Term and Short-Term Goals 

When it comes to planning for the future, make a list with different sections for long-term and short-term goals. If you’re unsure of where to start, it helps to work backwards. Write out your long-term goals first, then break them down into short-term goals. Then make another section that breaks these short-term goals down further into day-to-day goals.

When you have them all down as best you can, keep that list close by so you can regularly review your goals and track your progress. Celebrate your achievements, both big and small, and don’t be afraid to adjust your goals as circumstances change. Life is dynamic, and your goals should evolve along with it. The most important thing is to make sure your list continues to empower you to work towards your goals and achieve your dreams.

Keep Track of Your Budget and Spending

Having a dedicated space to keep track of your budget and spending is helpful in clearly mapping out for you where your money comes from and goes. Likewise, by having this data organised and ready, you can effectively allocate funds for Islamic financial responsibilities like Zakat and also build emergency savings for unexpected situations. 

This can help you manage your money better for your family’s needs and create more time for your faith, empowering you to embrace both your financial and spiritual responsibilities with confidence.

Know Your Limits

Understanding your limits helps you gain balance and spiritual growth and better manage your faith and family commitments. It’s like finding your inner compass, guiding when to pause and when to move forward. Physically, it’s about recharging for parenting and faith, while emotionally, setting boundaries preserves your energy for your family and spiritual journey.

Make decisions that empower you to see through your responsibilities as a mother and in your faith while not burning you out, nurturing both your well-being and that of your loved ones with a sense of purpose.

Reflect on Purpose 

Reflecting on purpose helps you line up your goals for your faith, family and dreams. Picture every little thing you do as part of a bigger purpose – a part of Allah (SWT)’s plan for you. Think about how you can make this action into something that helps you and your loved ones feel better and grow in faith. 

Ultimately, this purpose-driven mindset helps give you more strength to face challenges and leaves behind a powerful legacy. It weaves together your faith, family and values, inspiring both your loved ones and those who’ll come after you.

Learn as Much as You Can 

The Prophet (ﷺ) once said, “Seeking knowledge is a duty upon every Muslim.” (Sunan Ibn Majah) 

Learning is a lifelong journey for everyone, mums included. It empowers you to understand your faith, nurture your children and foster your own growth. 

Each insight you acquire becomes a tool for both you and your children to deepen wisdom and faith. Delving into the Quran, Hadith and Islamic literature brings you closer to Allah (SWT)’s guidance. Learning alongside family and connecting with fellow mothers magnifies your learning journey – as an individual, mother and Muslim.

Whether you’re exploring the Quran, parenting insights or diverse subjects, every piece of knowledge is a treasure that builds a powerful legacy future generations can look up to for years to come.

Make Time for Exercise and Health

Just like you look after your family, it’s important to care for your body and mind too. You can do this by exercising and taking breaks to relax. This helps us fulfil our duty to take care of the body Allah (SWT) gave us and makes us feel better and less stressed.

Taking care of yourself also shows your family how to cherish their own health. It’s like how you help your children understand things about themselves. Just as you guide them through learning about life, you also set an example of taking care of your own well-being, showing them the path to a balanced and healthy life.

Make Time for Yourself and Your Relationships 

Likewise, making time to take care of yourself and your connection with your family strengthens the foundation of your household and faith. 

It’s similar to tending to the roots of a tree; the stronger they are, the more resilient the entire tree becomes. Valuing your well-being and nurturing our relationships shows your family that everyone’s health and wellbeing matters. It also teaches them the importance of maintaining balance in our lives. 

In embracing these practices, you build deeper and stronger connections with your loved ones and your faith. Just as a tree anchored by sturdy roots can weather storms, a family steeled by strong bonds can navigate life’s challenges with grace and resilience, standing strong even in the face of adversity.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help 

Navigating the demands of daily life – from household chores to child-rearing and work commitments – can sometimes become overwhelming. In those moments, when everything feels like too much to handle, it’s perfectly alright to ask for help. In fact, Islam encourages the spirit of communal support, reminding us of our collective strength and the importance of aiding one another.

Seeking assistance not only lightens your load but also nurtures unity within your family. Just as you teach your children the values of teamwork and consideration, reaching out for help reflects these principles. It cultivates understanding, collaboration and shared efforts within the family dynamic. Embracing this support helps give you a smoother journey through motherhood and reinforces the bonds that tie your family together.

In conclusion, juggling motherhood and nurturing your faith can be a balancing act, but you’re not alone. Hopefully, these 10 tips can help you find a good balance and feel more confident in your journey while staying true to your faith. Your commitment to both your family and faith is a source of inspiration and may you find a sense of peace and happiness in combining these important parts of your life.

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