Before the age of 15, one in six girls and one in nine boys are physically or sexually
Eight in ten women in Australia who experienced violence from a current partner have never contacted the police.
Muslim Women Australia (MWA) and Australian National Imams Council (ANIC) are committed to ensuring the Australian Muslim community is informed to prevent Domestic and Family Violence, foster respectful relationships and access support.
Domestic Violence is not just physical violence. It can be psychological, emotional, financial, social or sexual abuse. It involves intimidating and controlling behaviour. It often occurs in intimate partner relationships and extends to family based relationships.
Domestic Violence is an issue that affects every community.
Australian Muslims come from 183 countries, making them one of the most ethnically and nationally heterogeneous communities in Australia.
For many women and men, faith is a tool for empowerment which facilitates their wellbeing in accessing safety. This needs to be central to supporting Culturally and Linguistically Diverse communities, as we work to prevent mens violence against women.
MWA and ANIC sincerely believe that individually and collectively, we can increase awareness of and work to end Domestic Violence.
Change is possible and every person can be a positive agent for change. We can all be a place of safety and comfort. By offering an empathetic ear, withholding judgement, calling out disrespect, and accessing support, we can all make a difference.
Men and women must work together, in words and in action, to support each other. Join us at MWA and ANIC as we work to empower and transform lives by offering support for men, women and children experiencing financial hardship, domestic violence and homelessness access to culturally, linguistically and religiously appropriate support.
Yours Sincerely,
Maha Krayem Abdo OAM, CEO, Muslim Women Australia
Sheikh Shady Alsuleiman, Australian National Imams Council